Compliance of the Requirements for Air Carriers Provided Under the Legislation of Georgia with the European Union Legislation


Integration of Georgia into a Single European Sky requests harmonization of the Georgian legislation with European Union’s legislation. In order to obtain a right to operation at market, air service air carriers has to meetthe certain requirements. The purpose of this article is to compare the Georgian air carriage legislation with EU legislation in terms of air carrier requirements and identify existing inconsistencies.

According to the opinion formulated in the paper, the process of harmonization of Georgian legislation with EU legislation could be divided into two periods. First stage includes the period from the time Georgia became independent to the time of signing the Single European Sky Agreement. The compliance of Georgian legislation with EU legislation is less observed at the first stage. In the second stage, the Georgian aviation legislation is gradually being brought in line with the EU legislation and EU rules have been adopted. In particular, the registration, financial, insurance, governance, ownership and control norms have been implemented.

According to the research carried out, the current Georgian air carriage legislation more or less is in compliance with EU legislation.


harmonization, air carriage, integration

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