The right of the child to be heard in the juvenile justice process


Proper and effective administration of justice remains the main task of the state at any stage of its development. Today, there is a significant increase in attention to one of the most sensitive parts of our society – minors. There is great interest in their developmental characteristics, behavioral characteristics, and interrogation techniques.

There is a special approach to juvenile delinquency around the world, according to which a juvenile should be considered a victim rather than a perpetrator. The main emphasis in international documents is on the need to develop special procedures. On January 1, 2016, the Juvenile Justice Code came into force, which fully complies with international standards at the level of principles.

The article “The right of a child to be heard in the juvenile justice process” – discusses the right of a juvenile to be heard and take into account his / her views at the maturity of his / her perception, the essence, importance and priority of the juvenile justice process in accordance with international standards. The article uses formal-logical and comparative methods, and the methodological basis of the research is international conventions.


Child, court, testimony

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