International Scientific Journal “Herald of Law” Announces Article Competition for the 9th (July) Issue of the Journal!

International Scientific Journal “Herald of Law” Announces Article Competition for the 9th (July) Issue of the Journal.
International scientific refereed and peer-reviewed journal “Herald of Law“ is a periodical publication of the non-profit legal entity “Union of Law Scientists.”
The journal has received the international rating ISSN 2667-9434.
Publication form and availability
The journal is published electronically on the website:
The journal is open access and full texts of published articles are available to any interested person.
Articles are published in journal free of charge.
Deadline for submission of articles
deadline for submission of articles is May 1st, 2024.
Topics of the Competition
Scientific articles on current issues, topics of law, human rights and public administration which include scientific novelty and have a high scientific value, will be accepted for competition, for the purposes of publishing in the journal.
The text of the article cannot be a review and consist only of material borrowed from different authors, without independent research and its own recommendations and conclusions.
At the competition announced, for the purposes of publishing in the journal, scientific articles of Georgian and foreign scientists/researchers and doctorate students will be accepted.
In exceptional cases, the competition will accept scientific articles by authors from other fields, on the topic of the journal, taking into account their relevance, importance and special scientific values.
Articles written by one or more co-authors can be submitted to the article competition.
A co-authored article can be submitted and requested for publication by one of the co-authors on behalf of the other co-authors. However, the co-authors are required to send the completed “Author’s Declaration” separately by their e-mails and confirm the co-authorship of the article in the message. Only then, the article will be considered accepted for review. Otherwise, the contact author will be notified that the article has been rejected.
Number or co-authors should not exceed four.
The very first person sending the article is considered to be the contact person; accordingly, the communication will be made with this person.
Amendments to an article with several co-authors can be made (except for technical changes) only with the consent of all co-authors.
Language of articles
Scientific articles can be submitted to the competition for publication in a journal in Georgian, English, German and Russian (with English abstract) languages.
indexing and impact-factor
Journal has obtained DOI unique code 10.15350/26679434.
Journal is indexed and is listed in 17 international global databases and has obtained 2 impact-factors.
The scientific articles published in the journal are referenced in the publication of the Institute “Techinform” “Georgian Abstract Journal (GAJ).”
Journal is listed in library databases of leading European universities.
The journal protects the tangible or intangible copyrights of the materials submitted and published.
In case of a decision by the editorial board to publish the article, the author is obliged to transfer an exclusive right/copyright to the paper to editorial board before the article is published, which must be confirmed by signing the relevant statement and issuing the relevant license at the request of the editorial board.
The license does not include the transfer of the non-property rights of the author. Authors have the right to modify their own works, although they are required to cite the journal as the source of the original publication.
Papers will be published in the journal under – Creative Commons License (CC BY SA).
Rules of receiving articles
The author, within the time period specified in the competition announcement, sends the article and the completed author’s acknowledgement form as an attached file to the e-mail
The article can be uploaded and emailed to the journal through journal website too.
The author, together with the article, sends brief information about him/her and contact information, which will be stored in the editorial archive.
The article must be submitted in accordance with the established article formatting rule.
The editorial board checks the compliance of the submitted paper with the established rule of formatting articles.
The editorial board will not accept or review articles that are not performed in accordance with this rule and that do not meet the standards of ethics for publishing articles. The editor, in such a case, if he considers it necessary and possible before sending it to the reviewers, may give recommendations to the author and offer to format an article in accordance with the established rule, for which he/she will be given the time. If the author fully takes into account the editorial recommendations, the article will be accepted for consideration.
By submitting an article to the editorial board of the journal, the author acknowledges that he/she is aware of and agrees with the standards of ethics for publishing the journal articles, the concept, rules of the competition and formatting articles.
In case of publication of the article, the author transfers the copyright to the paper to editorial board.
The author, in case of change of contact information before publishing an article in the journal, must inform of his/her new contact information in a timely manner. Otherwise, any notification will be sent to the initial email address or its contact phone number and will be considered as received.
The editorial staff will contact the author of the article himself/herself (in case of an article submitted by several authors, one of the authors).
Rules for reviewing articles
The article submitted for publication by the author, is sent for evaluation to two reviewers selected by the Editor-in-Chief or editor with his/her order
The review is done according to the established article review rule.
An article review is successful, if it receives two positive reviews.
The evaluation of the article in the journal is conducted through double-blindpeer review. The author does not know the identity of the reviewer and the reviewers do not know the identify of the author.
Competition results
The journal will publish the articles that will receive the highest scores as a result of the review.
Based on competition, no more than 15 scientific articles in total will be selected for publication in journal.
Papers left behind the article competition, with the consent of their authors, will participate in the article competition announced for the next edition. For this purpose, the authors will no longer need to re-submit these articles to the editorial board. Moreover, these articles will no longer be reviewed and they will retain the scores received by the reviewers in the previous competition.
Author’s Acknowledgement Form