Eviction problems arising from tenancy agreemenent in Georgia


This article is devoted to one of the most actual issues in civil law-eviction, – the right to withdraw a thing from illegal possession. The decision of the parliament has abolished “police eviction”, through which it was possible to evict illegal/illegal owners of immovable property without a court appeal. This fact has led to the current deplorable situation and we have a lot of affected owners. The right to property is one of the most important human rights.

The right of ownership grants a person the right to own, dispose and use, which implies a comprehensive legal domination over the thing. The owner’s property rights are violated when illegally occupying the living space by an unlawful owner. Accordingly, the owner must be able to recover the immovable property from illegal possession through quick and effective mechanism.

The above has led to increased appeal to the court and delaying the eviction of the person. In addition, we consider such restriction of property rights as unconstitutional and unjustified restriction of property rights.



Landlord, Lessor, Tenant, Unlawful owner

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