The editorial staff will not review the paper which is not formatted in accordance with the “Rules of Formatting the Article”.
It is necessary that the terminology used in the whole text of the article should be invariable.
While composing the text of the article we should distinguish between hyphen (-) and dash (–).
Length of the Article
Maximum number of the pages of text – 20 (including drawings, tables, images, and diagrams.);
Minimum number of the pages of text- 5.
Remark: Abstract, bibliography, and references are not included in the length of the article.
Structure of the Article
Title page in English;
Abstract in English;
Keywords in English;
Title page in Georgian;
Abstract in Georgian;
Keywords in Georgian;
Text of article;
Bibliography in Georgian;
Bibliography in Latin alphabet.
Title page
Title of the article
The title of the article should reflect the content of the article and should be concise.
The Georgian title of the article should not be more than 15 words, and the foreign language title should not be more than 20 words.
Information about the author – Full name, last name, academic degree, academic title, working place/institution place, country, city and e-mail address of an author(s).
Is drafted in Georgian as well as in English;
Briefly and precisely expresses the main content of the article and the results of the research;
Should express the essence of the paperwork in a manner that enables the reader to understand the research problem without reading the whole article itself;
Should not contain any subject not mentioned in the main text of the article;
Should be concise and non-ambiguous, free of unnecessary words, outstanding with reasonable wording;
Should be informative (should not contain general assertations);
Should be consistent in structure (in accordance with the logical sequence of the article);
Should contain 100-250 words;
Abstract in Georgian, as well as in English, should not exceed 250 words;
Foreign authors are not obliged to submit abstract in Georgian;
Sources are not indicated in the abstract.
The abstract should contain the following aspects of the content of the article:
Subject, topic, and purpose of the research;
Method or methodology of conducting the research (the method or methodology of the research should be described if it has novelty, or is of importance regarding such research);
Results of the research;
Area of the usage of the results;
Keywords – words from the text of the article, which are of essential significance and are the keys to search the relevant information.
Keywords should be no less than 3 and no more than 6 words and should not contain words from the title of the article.
Structure of the text
Main text;
The introduction describes the relevance of the topic, the scientific novelty of the given problem, the subject of the research, the goal and tasks, the theoretical and/or practical significance, the research methods used (the method or methodology of the research should be described if it has novelty, or is of importance regarding such research).
Main Text
The text should reflect the research process, sequential reasoning and conclusions.
The text can be divided into chapters and sub-chapters.
Chapters and sub-chapters should not be written in dark font (should not be bold).
The conclusion should be derived from the main content of the text. The research results, recommendations and perspectives should be briefly summarized in the conclusion.
Sources are not indicated in the conclusion.
Text Citation Rule
Literal in-text citation (direct citation) in the text or footnote should be placed in double quotation mark – in the Georgian language the quote should be low („), after the end of the citation – high (“), but in the Latin alphabet version double quotation mark should be high (“). After finishing the text, quotation mark should be used after punctuation mark.
Literal in-text citation (direct citation) in the Article should be separated from the main text with the slanted font (italic).
If the author underlines any part of the citation, at the end of such citation the square brackets should be indicated containing the following phrase: [author’s remark].
If the author deletes any part of the citation, instead of the deleted part three dots in the square brackets should be written: “Aaa[…]aaa”.
Footnotes – sources cited or paraphrased in the text (author’s remarks and explanations).
Footnotes should be formatted in accordance with Harvard – Anglia 2008 standard, with the peculiarities of the present publication rules for articles of the Journal “Herald of Law.”
When citing a paraphrased source, the word – compare is written before the footnote.
Sample: 5. Reinhold, Z., 2006. Legal Methodology. Tenth revised edition. Munich: publishing house Beck, p. 11.
Footnotes are placed in the body of the article, at the bottom of the pages and are numbered with Arabic numerals.
If in the text of the article, on the same page, the same source is indicated two or more times in a footnote, the data of this source is no longer indicated and only the indication – ibid is written (in the footnote of the article in Georgian, the word – “იქვე” is written in Georgian even in case of indicating the foreign source) and the specific page.
When the article is in a Georgian language, the word „იქვე” and „გვ“ is written in the Georgian language, regardless of the language in which the source is published. When the article is in a foreign language, the same words are written in the same language (sample, in an article written in English “ibid” p.11. in Russian Там же. 11.).
Indicating the source and remarks (explanations) in the same footnote
If one specific footnote contains an indication to the source and also an author’s remark (explanation) or a recommendation on this topic in more detail at the same time (Sample: see more regarding the accomplice also in Qurdadze, Sh. and Khunashvili, N., 2015. Civil Procedure Law. Tbilisi: Meridiani), the specified source should be written in the first place, and then the author’s remark (explanation) in a separate sentence.
Sample: Liluashvili, T., 2005. Civil Procedure Law. Tbilisi: GCI, p. 123. See more regarding the accomplice also in Qurdadze, Sh. and Khunashvili, N., 2015. Civil Procedure Law. Tbilisi: Meridiani.
In the given case, only the specified book by Liluashvili, T., will be listed from the footnote to the bibliography, while book with co-authors of Qurdadze, Sh. and Khunashili N., will not be listed, as only those sources included in the footnotes, which are cited, paraphrased and/or verified in the article, are gathered in the bibliography.
Book with one author
Last name of the author, initials of the first name. Year of publication. Title of the book. Place of publication: Name of the publisher, page number.
Sample: Reinhold, Z., 2006. Legal Methodology. Tenth revised edition. Munich: publishing house Beck, pp. 11-12.
When referring to the publishing house, the word publishing house, if it is not included in the name of the publishing house, is not indicated.
Book with two authors
Last name of the author, initials of the first name. and last name of the author, initials of the first name., year of publication. Title of the book. Place of publication: Name of the publisher, page number.
Sample: Ghlonti, G. and Ghlonti, A., 2017. Methods of Scholarly Research. Tbilisi: Meridiani, p. 27.
Book with three authors
Last name of the author, initials of the first name. Last name, initials of the first name of the second author. and last name, initials of the first name of the third author, year of publication. Title of the book. Place of publication: Name of the publisher, page number.
Sample: Ghlonti, G. and Ghlonti, A., 2017. Methods of Scholarly Research. Tbilisi: Meridiani, p. 27
Book with four authors
Last name of the author, initials of the first name. Last name of the author, initials of the first name. Last name of the author, initials of the first name. and last name of the author, initials of the first name, year of publication. Title of the book. Place of publication: Name of the publisher, page number.
Sample: Liluashvili, T., Liluashvili, G., Khrustali, V. and Dzlierishvili, Z., 2014. Civil Procedure Law. 1 part. Tbilisi: Samartali, p. 25.
Book with more than four authors
Last name of the author, initials of the first name. and others, year of publication. Title of the book. Place of publication: Name of the publisher, page number.
Sample: Aqubardia, I. and others, 2008. Criminal Procedure. Tbilisi: Samartali, p. 31.
Journal article
When referring to an article from a journal, the initials of the authors are formatted in the same manner, additionally, the name of the journal and issue number (where applicable, volume or other) are also indicated.
Sample: Chkonia, Z., 2013. The function of the judiciary in the enforcement process. Justice and Law, 3 (13), p. 122.
Sources without author and/or editor
Source without the author or editor is indicated in footnotes by its title and then other essential information.
Sample: Evolution of Georgian Law. 2009. Tbilisi: Dani, p. 39.
Sources which does not have an author and have an editor
If the indicated source has an editor instead of the author, the editor is indicated. After the initial of the editor, the abbreviation “ed.” (“eds.” in plural) should be indicated.
Sample: Dolidze, I., “ed.,” 1965. Monuments of Georgian Law. Vol. II, Legislative Documents (X-XIX centuries). Tbilisi: Metsniereba, p. 48.
Indicating source by the translator
If the source is indicated by its translator, instead of the initials of the author, the last name and initials of the first name of the translator should be written and then the word “trans.” (“trans.” in plural).
Sample: Mtchedlishvili-Hedrich, K.,”transl.,” 2020. Introduction to Medical Criminal Law. Tbilisi: World of Lawyers, p. 45.
Indicating the source by an organization
If the source does not contain a reference to the author and/or editor and is published by the organization, then the organization is indicated as the author of the source. The organization does not refer to publishing houses or printing-house.
The last name, the first name of the author, year; Doctoral Dissertation: Title of Dissertation. Name of educational institution, page number.
Sample: Tskitishvili, M., 2021. Doctoral Dissertation: Claims in Civil Procedure. Grigol Robakidze University, p. 31.
Online book
Last name of the author, initials or the name. Year of publication. Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher, Page number. [Online] available at: address of the web-page [Accessed 10.04.2020].
Sample: Cipelius, R., 2006. Legal Methodology. Tenth revised edition. Munich: Beck publication. p. 29. [Online] available at: <>
[Accessed 10.04.2020].
The full stop is not used at the end of the online source.
In case the online source is not numbered, then the description, for example, “in the introduction,” “at the end” etc. should be added to the date of access.
Indicating the online-sources
Internet sources are placed after the phrase “Online”, after that “Available at” and are followed by indicating the date of last access to this source.
Too long internet links should be shortened by using special programs.
Sample: Lebanidze, B., 2016. Georgia’s Democratic Dilemma. [Online] Available at: < > [Accessed 10.04.2020 ].
In a footnote of the article in Georgian, the words “Online” (ინტერნეტი), “available at” (ხელმისაწვდომია) and Accessed (წვდომის თარიღი) is written in Georgian even in case of indicating the foreign source.
For example, the words [Online] available at: [Accessed 10.04.2020] are written in the English source in the article in English.
Sample: Pletcher, K., 2019. Aung San Suu Kyi. p. 10. [Online] available at: <//www. >[Accessed 10.04. 2020 ].
In a foreign language article, the similar words are indicated in the language of the article itself.
Sample: Elius, R., 2006. Legal Methodology. Tenth revised edition. Beck publication. p. 29. [Online] available at:
<> [Accessed 10.04.2020].
Normative material in footnotes
Normative material should be placed in the footnotes in the following manner:
Type of document (statute, decree, etc.), title, date of adoption, document number, name of the resource where the document is available, and the year and place of publication of such resource.
Sample: article 15, part 2, the Statute of Georgia. Georgian Civil Code. Parliamentary Gazette, 26/06/1997, # 786.
If the material is placed on the internet, for example, the web-page of the Legislative Herald, the address of the web-page of the Legislative Herald is indicated fully and neither the date of adoption of the act nor any other data, except the title, are indicated.
Sample: Constitution of Georgia. [Online] available at:< >[Accessed 25.05. 2020].
The word (repealed) should be added to the invalid normative act.
Sample: Article 1, Law of the Republic of Georgia on Public Associations of Citizens [Online] available at: <> [Accessed 25.05.2020]. (Repealed).
Judicial practice
Sample of the decision of the Supreme Court of Georgia:
The decision of the Supreme Court of Georgia, 17 June 2020 (case №as-73-2020).
The same decision placed on the internet:
The decision of the Supreme Court of Georgia, 17 June 2020 (case №as-73-2020). [Online] available at: < >[Accessed 25.05.2020].
The decision of the Constitutional Court of Georgia:
The decision of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, 28 May 2015 (case №1/3/547).
The decision of the European Court:
The decision of the European Court, Dadiani v. Georgia, 12/07/2012, application 8252/08.
Using secondary sources
When using a secondary source in a footnote, at first there should be indicated the (secondary) source in which the author of the article makes aware of the primary source, and then the source where that primary source was found. In-text citation of the source should be written with the slanted font (italic) in the text, and if the source is paraphrased, the word – compare is written before the primary source.
Chkonia, Z., 2011. Issues of civil proceedings and enforcement in Soviet Georgia. Justice and Law, 1 (28), p. 56. Compare. Japaridze, S., 1926. Civil Process. Tbilisi: Publishing House of the People’s Commissariat of Justice, p. 10.
Structure of bibliography:
Used Literature:
Normative materials;
Judicial practice.
The bibliography should be placed after the body of the article.
The sources included in the footnotes are gathered in the bibliography.
The bibliography also includes sources that are not cited, paraphrased, or verified, but are used to develop the argument. The bibliography does not include a source indicated by the author in a footnote, which has not been cited, paraphrased, or verified by the author in the article. (Sample, recommended source in the author’s remark – “see more regarding the accomplice also in Qurdadze, Sh. and Khunashvili, N., 2015. Civil Procedure Law. Tbilisi: Meridiani.“
Formatting bibliography
The sources in the bibliography are formatted in the same manner as in footnotes, only without the indication of page numbers.
In the Georgian bibliography, the words page (გვ.) and ibid (იქვე) in a foreign source is written in Georgian, and when referring to an Internet page in a foreign source, [Online] available at: [Accessed 10.04.2020 ] is indicated in Georgian.
Sample: Pletcher, K., 2019. Aung San Suu Kyi. [ინტერნეტი] ხელმისაწვდომია: <//www.> [წვდომის თარიღი 10.04 2020].
The sequence of the cited sources in the bibliography
The sources should be indicated in alphabetical order by the authors’ last name.
If the source does not have the author and editor, it is indicated by the title.
In the first place, sources in the Georgian language are indicated, followed by the sources in English, in German, and other languages and lastly, in the Russian language.
Normative materials
Normative materials are placed after the cited sources, which were applicable, in the bibliography.
Normative materials are formatted in the same manner as in footnotes, only without the indicating the particular article, clause or part.
Normative materials are placed in hierarchical order, from the highest to lowest. The same hierarchy is used for the normative materials of foreign countries. The Georgian normative materials are placed in the first place, followed by foreign (English, German, Russian) normative materials.
Case law
Case law in the bibliography is indicated after the normative material, where applicable.
Case law should be placed in the following sequence: decisions of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, decisions of the Supreme Court of Georgia, decisions of the Appellate Court of Georgia, decisions of First Instance Court of Georgia, decisions of the European Court, and then decisions of the courts of foreign countries in the same manner.
Bibliography in Latin alphabet
In this part, the sources in the bibliography are repeated, translated in English. Sources published in German are not translated and are indicated in the language of publication.
In the bibliography, the sources are placed in the Latin alphabet in the same sequence, as in the bibliography placed after the article.
Each and every source are followed by the brackets containing an indication of the language of the source, e.g. source published in Georgian (in Georgian), in Russian (in Russian), in German (in German), in English (in English), etc. After the bracket, the full stop is not written.
Sample: Mills, A., 2008. The Dimensions of Public Policy in Private International Law. p. 2. [Online] available at: <> [Accessed 30.11.2020]. (in English)
Each and every source in English-language bibliography are followed by brackets containing the information about the language of publication, in the same manner as in the bibliography in the Latin alphabet, e.g. source published in Georgian (in Georgian), in Russian (in Russian), in German (in German), in English (in English).
Recommendations of “Techinform” for drafting an abstract
The results of the research and the conclusions should be placed in the first place.
The subject, topic, and the purpose of the research is indicated in the abstract only if they are not expressed in the title of the article.
The method or methodology of the research should be described if it has novelty, or is of importance regarding such research.
Phrases given in the title of the article should not be repeated in the abstract.
Parenthetic words should be avoided (for example, “author of the article discusses…”). The description of previously published works or well-known facts should not be included in the abstract.
The language of the text of the abstract should be in accordance with the academic and technical language, stay consistent with the terminology used and translation loan words (calque) should be avoided.
Units of measurement should be given in accordance with the international systems.
Tables, formulas, schemes, drawings, images, and diagrams are used only in case of necessity when they express the main content of the document and enable the author to shorten the length of the abstract.