The Journal “Herald of Law” is indexed in the largest academic database “ACADEMIC RESOURCE INDEX RESEEYBIB” from Today

The Journal “Herald of Law” is indexed in the largest academic database “ACADEMIC RESOURCE INDEX RESEEYBIB” from Today

The Journal “Herald of Law” is indexed in the largest academic database “ACADEMIC RESOURCE INDEX RESEEYBIB” from Today

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The Scientific Journal “Herald of Law” Is a Signatory to the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) from Today!

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International scientific discussion on problematic issues of Self Defense and State of Necessity in criminal law was conducted

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journal “Herald of Law” is indexed in leading international scholarly database HeinOnline which is american database

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Online scientific discussion – “Problems of Euthanasia in terms of Comparative Criminal Law” was held

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Invitation to the online scientific discussion – “Problems of Euthanasia in terms of Comparative Criminal Law”

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“Herald of Law” is indexed in the global international database -ROAD

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Professor Bernd Heinrich, Foreign Member of the of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Herald of Law was Awarded the Status of Honored Member of the “Union of Law scientists”!

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Call for papers for the third (July) issue of the scientific journal “Herald of Law”

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Event introducing the second issue of the international scientific journal “Herald of Law” was held

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You are invited at the event introducing the second issue of the international scientific journal “Herald of Law”.

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international scientific discussion was held on topic“Organizational Law in Legal System” (according to German model)

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Invitation to online scholarly discussion on “Organizational Law in Legal System” (according to German model)

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International scientific discussion was held on topic “Key Aspects of Complicity in criminal law of Georgian and Latin American countries (example of Chile)”

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Invitation to scientific discussion “Key Aspects of Complicity in criminal law of Georgian and Latin American countries (example of Chile)”

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Online scientific discussion ““House Arrest, as Alternative to Custodial Sentence in Juvenile Justice” was held

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Online Scientific Discussion – “House Arrest, as Alternative to Custodial Sentence in Juvenile Justice”

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Congratulations from Prague State University for Publishment of “Herald of Law”

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