First event will be held in the frames of the pilot project “Online Scientific Discussions”

Union of Law Scientists has launched a pilot project “Online Scientific Discussions”, the goal of which is to foster the development of legal science by way of organizing online discussions on published or unpublished academic works (article, PHD thesis, monography, manual).
On Monday, September 28, 12:00, an online discussion “Problematic Aspects of Mens Rea of complicity in accordance with Georgian and American Law” shall be held under the auspices of the Union of Law Scientists. The presentation on “Comparative overview of relevant aspects of Georgian and American Law” shall be followed by a discussion. Those who wish to participate, please contact us on email and we shall send you the agenda of the meeting and the link, by which you can join the meeting.
Union of Law Scientists invites authors of legal works to present their publications. After assessing their importance, practical and academic significance, the ULS shall take decision to organize discussion on this issue. We hope that this project shall interest young and experienced scholars of different fields of law.
We believe that this project shall contribute to the public discussion of many academic and practical works.
Full recordings of the discussions shall be available at the webpage of the Union of Law Scientists as well as Youtube.