Invitation to the online scientific discussion – “Problems of Euthanasia in terms of Comparative Criminal Law”

Union of Law slcientists and its international scientific journal “Herald of Law” is inviting the legal scholars/researchers, as well as practicing lawyers to join the online scholarly discussion “Problems of Euthanasia in terms of Comparative Criminal Law”. The Event will take place via platform Zoom, on April 21, 2021 at 19 p.m.
- Ketevan Mchedlishvili-Hedrich – (Freiburg, Germany) member of Union of Law scientists and the editorial board of journal published by the Union – “Herald of Law”, Doctor of Law, staff scientist at Institute for Criminology Research of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Professor at University of Georgia.
Ketevan Mchedlishvili-Hedrich was staff scientist at Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law and at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany). The book “Introduction to Medical Criminal Law” by German author, Eric Hilgendorf, was translated into Georgian by Ketevan Mchedlishvili-Hedrich in 2020. Moreover, she is the author of various scholarly works.
- Ana Kapanadze – PhD student at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Law. Ana Kapanadze is one of the first PhD students working on Medical Criminal Law.
- Tamar Ninoshvili – Head of Quality Department at non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal person “Free Development & Law Center”.
The discussion will take place after the presentations.
The event will be held within the scope of pilot project “Online Scholarly Discussions”.
Recording of the discussion will be available on Youtube, as well as on the web-pages of the Union of Legal Scholars and journal “Herald of Law”.
Persons interested in participating in the discussion may register through registration link below no later than April 19. After registration you will receive the link to the meeting, which will enable you to attend the discussion.
April 19, 2021
Platform Zoom
19 00-19 05
Opening of the meeting, welcome speech
Zurab Chkonia- chairman of the Union of Legal Scholars
19 05-19 20
Ketevan Mchedlishvili-Hedrich
19 20-19 35
Ana Kapanadze
19 35-19 50
Tamar Ninoshvili
20 05–21 00
Closing of the meeting
21 00