A single integrated system of sciences of the anti-criminal cycle


The article uses a synergistic approach that proves the relevance of the sciences of criminal, criminal procedure and penitentiary law, criminology, criminalistics, forensic expertology and operational-investigative activities to full-fledged, independent elements (parts) of a unitary integrated system of sciences of the anti-criminal cycle. It is emphasized that adequate decisions aimed at a real, and not imaginary, fight against crime can be carried out only if there are coordinated and combined efforts of these sciences, their harmonious, dynamic and constructive interaction with each other on the basis of common principles of criminal, criminal procedure and penal enforcement legislation, common approaches and a common strategy for countering crime. It is noted that it is possible to fill the fight against crime with specific relevant content only in the presence of comprehensive research, without which it is virtually impossible to obtain new knowledge necessary for adequate crime prevention.



sciences, specialties, system

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