Call for Papers

Call for papers for the second issue of scholarly journal “Herald of Law” is now open.
Scientific Journal “Herald of law’’ is announcing call for scientific articles from 10.09.2020 to 01.11.2020.
Scientific Journal “Herald of law’’ is an online scientific journal of the Union of Law Scientists.
Accepted scientific articles will be published online on official web site of the journal:
The topics of articles
The journal will publish scientific articles on problematic issues of law or public administration. Articles should contain scientific novelty and should also have special scientific value.
Authors of articles may be Georgian or foreign researchers and PH.D. students. In exceptional cases, authors also may be other individuals if the article has special scientific role or scientific value.
Language of Articles
Academic articles in Georgian, English, German and Russian languages (together with the abstract in English) may be submitted to be published in the journal.
Upon the decision of the editorial board to publish the article, author agrees to transfer all the exclusive rights in his/her article to editorial board. The transfer of copyright should be confirmed by signing the relevant document before publishing the article and in case of the request of editorial board, by granting a license.
Appling for publishing article
the author submits the article in electronic form within the deadline determined by the contest and written request to the Chief-editor about the publication of article. article and statement should be submitted on following e-mail:
The author sends article with personal information and contact information that will be saved in the editorial archive.
The articles should be done in accordance with the publication rules for articles.
The editorial office checks the conformity of the submitted article with the rules.
The editorial board will not accept or consider a article which does not match with the special rules . Also, Editorial board will not accept article if author breaks ethical standards or if there is any type of plagiarism.
before sending it to the reviewers, editor may make recommendations to the author about editing article. In this case, editor can set a special time for author. If the author fully corrects mistakes the article will be accepted for review.
By submitting the article to the journal, the author confirms that he is familiar and agrees with the ethics, concept, contest and rules of publication.
The author gives to Journal special right on article. The author must inform editorial board in case changing contact information. Otherwise, any message will be sent to the original email address or contact phone and will be deemed to have been delivered.
The editorial staff will contact with the author of the article (in the case of the article presented by several authors, to one of the authors).
Rules for reviewing articles
The article will be send to two reviewers, selected by the chief editor
Review is done according to the established rules.
The article will be accepted for publications in case both reviews are positive.
Results of the contest
Only 15 scientific articles are published in journal. In the journal will be published articles which will have the highest scores.Unpublished articles will take part in the contest in the next publication of the journal, if authors agree. Authors will not need to submit these articles to the editor for next volume. Also, these articles will not need review and they will save the last scores.
For further information contact: mob.+995 599177573; e-mail: